HyDoR Blog Started
This is the official start of the HyDoR (Hybrid Done Right) blog. I hope to update it pretty much daily. We'll see if there's enough to actually bother updating it that often. Since in theory this is my full-time job, I hope to be making rapid progress.

This blog, nay, this site exists in order to properly chart my progress. The benefits are twofold: 1) anyone else crazy enough to try this at home (Remember kids, we're professionals! Yeah, right...) will have a good resource, and 2) when it comes time to write quarterly reports and my dissertation-- yes, this is the beginnings of a PhD-- I'll have a lot of my work already done.

So what I plan to do is put all helpful information online. For starters, I plan to add a section on choosing and specifying the final power transfer: belt, chain, or shaft. This will be done somewhat akin to how I made my Ball and Plate pages: starting off with all the necessary info on one page, with links to more in-depth details and proofs.